In this most unique and challenging period, we have hope.
Hope for your health, well-being, and safety.
Hope we, together, will achieve equity for all.
Hope for a New Year where we can gather and, once again, embrace.
To capture this spirit, we are proud to share an original song composed and performed
by UNCG students, joined by Provost Jim Coleman and Chancellor Franklin D. Gilliam, Jr.
Titled “We Must Hope,” it reflects our resilience, our persistence, and our optimism for the future.
A one of a kind year. A one of a kind song.
We hope you enjoy it!
Best wishes to all.
Music by Julian Kennedy, Kemari Wells, and Steve Haines.
“We Have Hope” is performed by students, faculty, and alumni of the UNCG School of Music,
and joined by Provost Jim Coleman and Chancellor Franklin D. Gilliam, Jr.
Visit the Chancellor’s Holiday card web page.